DUI Lawyer Los Angeles

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Los Angeles DUI Lawyer

Law Firm Highlight of the Week

Michael Bialys, a Los Angeles DUI lawyer also known as theDUI Guy, is the former managing partner of a large criminal defense firm.  In his time in that role, he saw manymismanaged DUI cases and realized his true calling was to go into DUIdefense.  Mr. Bialys’s philosophy is thateveryone should be able to get a comprehensive and aggressive defense, and withthat ideal in mind he opened up his own DUI defense law firm.

Mr. Bialys prides himself on offering client orientedservices, focusing on one-on-one personal relationships with his clients.  He has a full understanding of the long termeffects of criminal records on areas of life such as employment opportunitiesand knows how important it is to get records expunged.  If you have been in a related accident andwish to be fully and comprehensively defended by a premier Los AngelesDUI lawyer, call Michael Bialys today at 1-888-DUI-1-GUY.

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